Watch Videos
You can earn money and get entertained at the same time by watching interesting videos. A new video and another chance of earning are available every 30 minutes.
Install Apps
Every time you install a useful app on your phone from our available Instant Earn offers, you are rewarded with WowCoins and Do Good.
Complete Activities
After completing tasks from the Instant Earn offers, members are notified about their newly earned WowCoins in up to 10 minutes.
Game Reviews
You can check other players’ opinion on a game and share your own review after playing it. This way you always know how popular a game is among players like you.
Editor’s Pick
If you are not sure which game to try out next, you can always check for insightful recommendations in our special ‘Editor’s Pick’ section.
New Games
Players can easily spot the new games from the hundreds of games available on our platform by simply visiting the ‘New’ section.
Order Tracking
Start your shopping experience in WowApp and finalize your purchase on the shop’s website so that your order is tracked and you receive cashback and Do Good.
A part of the amount you paid for your purchase is returned to you. Cashback amounts and percentages vary by shops, products etc.
Cash Out or Donate
As you can do with any earnings from WowApp, you can use the cashback for yourself or you can donate it to charity.
Free Calling
All WowApp to WowApp calls are free! Enjoy the best quality, earn and Do Good while talking to your friends.
Low Calling Rates
Call your friends, family or business partners anywhere in the world at the lowest rates with WowApp. Simply buy credit starting at $2 and call internationally!
Virtual Number
A Virtual Number is a virtual number that makes it easy for anyone outside WowApp to reach you. You can easily set up your Virtual Number and choose from numerous local extensions.
Grow Your Network
Invite at least 3-5 people to join your network on WowApp. Inviting your friends and family to your network is as simple as sharing a link with them.
Spread the Word
Make WowApp your primary messenger and tell your friends and family about the amazing ways they can use the app every day.
Keep your Network Loyal
Make sure your network members use WowApp every day to chat with friends, make free calls, read the latest news, get notified about cashback opportunities and much more.
Search for Great Deals
Search for a store or browse through a wide range of stores and find the best deals for your needs.
Follow the link to the store’s website and complete your purchase there or shop at the physical store and get the receipt.
Receive Gift Cards
Get cashback from the store purchase and cash it out as store credit to receive gift cards for purchases at the same store.


To complete your registration and start to earn, you have to finish the registration with all Points.

Wowapp is a Messenger with kinds of Earning while using, so you verify your Phonenumber, please!

Without that, you cannot earn and use it completely.


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